November 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of November 13th, 2024

        Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone:

Kimberly Jacobs, President               Angie Billue, Member

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Donald Cravens, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Lisa Benner, Employee     

Lisa Stewart, Member                       

Absent Member(s) – 

Minutes of the October 9, 2024 meeting were read and discussed.   Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved – Megan-Motion, Angie-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses. 

Treasurer’s Report – Financial Status of Accounts, Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts and for Donald to do with maturing CD as financially feasible. 

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of October, there were 135 calls, 77 transports/billable and 58 non-transports/non-billable. Total billing for the month of October was $133,840.50.

Ambulance Status – Med 1 – ARV will be providing a loaner unit for the duration of the remount.  Tony Hoskins has removed the radio equipment, wifi/internet and CAD system out of the truck.

Office security remodel – Nothing further to report for the office remodel.

Donald reported on Sam Garvin’s report – The application for the ARPA grant funds was denied. No action taken.

John Bixenman completed the Paramedic program and received his license. He is now working on the truck as a Paramedic

Carl and Donald are working on an EMT and First Responder Class.  The cost of the EMT class is $1500.00 and the cost of the first responder class is $500.00.  In regards to the First Responder class; if the student is a Chariton County resident, then there may be $250.00 in financial assistance. There are possible local grants available for the students taking the EMT class.

Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

        Old Business: 

Group Health Insurance – Bridgett has been working with Heather finalizing necessary documents for activation.

James Duncan was notified that the District would not be renewing the United Healthcare group health            coverage.  No action taken

Snow Removal – Two bids were received. One from Mike Weimer and the other from Adam Cravens.  Discussion was made.  The Board decided to grant the bid to Mike Weimer.

Employee Appreciation Dinner – Lamar Newman accepted the request to serve the Employee Appreciation Dinner on December 19th at the Salisbury base, 6:00 p.m.  He indicated the cost would be approximately $20.00 per person.  No action taken.

        New Business: 

              First Quarter Budget Review – The first quarter budget was reviewed and discussed.  No action taken.

Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection – Working with Nicole Huerta of NBS completing necessary documents for the Chariton County Ambulance District’s final certification. No action taken.  

Board Filing – Angie Billue-District 1, Lisa Stewart-District 4.  Candidate filing dates are December 10th through December 31, 2024.

Uniform Allowance – Angie-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to increase the uniform allowance as follows:  The superintendent/supervisors will receive $400.00, full-time employees will receive $300.00, part-time employees will be compensated by the number of hours worked throughout the year.  48 hours-$75.00, 49-100 hours-$100.00, 101-150 hours-$125.00, 151-200 hours-$150.00, 201 and greater hours-$200.00.

Other Business:  None.

No further business. Angie -Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at    6:33 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard